Connect to Power BI published reports with Python without API

Power BI is a great tool to import and transform data from various sources. Exporting data is however more difficult.
This Python function returns a Pandas DataFrame from Power BI service, given a dataset id and a table name (or Dax query), allowing you for exemple to save Power BI data in a file or in a SQL database.
This method uses Windows identity, also used in Analyse in Excel, and should be used as a quick and convenient way to extract Power BI data. Power BI rest API execute queries should be preferred if you have Azure and Power BI relevant rights.


  • Test if Analyse in Excel is working for a report you have access to
  • Analysis Services client library MSOLAP should be version 15 (recent version 16 is not working as today)
  • Install pywin32 via pip install pywin32 or conda install pywin32
  • Go to, select a dataset: end of url is your dataset id
  • Update the code your dataset id and table name (list of tables available via Show tables button on Power BI dataset page) or use DAX code to generate a custom table with measures

The code

"""Connect to published Power BI datasets and export data with Python
Author: - 13.01.2022

import adodbapi #Install via pip install pywin32 or conda install pywin32
import pandas as pd

def GetData(DatasetId,TableQuery):
    ConnectionString = f"""Provider=MSOLAP.8;
    Integrated Security=ClaimsToken;
    Persist Security Info=True;
    Initial Catalog=sobe_wowvirtualserver-{DatasetId};
    Data Source=pbiazure://;
    MDX Compatibility=1;
    Safety Options=2;
    MDX Missing Member Mode=Error;
    Identity Provider=,, 929d0ec0-7a41-4b1e-bc7c-b754a28bddcc;
    Update Isolation Level=2"""
    Query = TableQuery if TableQuery.lower().startswith("select") else  f"evaluate {TableQuery}" 
    conn = adodbapi.connect(ConnectionString)
    DataFrame=pd.read_sql(Query, conn)
    return DataFrame

# Find your DatasetId
# go to
# click on your dataset: end of url is your DatasetId
# click on "Show tables" to see available tables
DatasetId = "ee30a2fc-aezb-4eb8-81d2-d1ec21eec060"
TableName = "DatasetTableName" #not case sensitive

# List of Dataset tables
# Get pandas dataframe for specific table
# Get data from a DAX query
Dax='SUMMARIZE (Sales,Sales[Color],"Sales", SUM ( Sales[Amount] ))'
# Export to Excel (requires openpyxl)
Data.to_excel("PowerBIexport.xlsx", index = False)
# Export to csv 

# Export table to SQL server
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#Build your connection:
connection_uri = create_engine(
engine = create_engine(connection_uri, fast_executemany=True)
Data.to_sql("SQL_Table_Name", engine, if_exists="replace", index=False)
Available on GitHub


  • The function uses the connection generated for Power BI Analyse in Excel
  • The Windows identity of the caller is used to connect to Analysis Services (Integrated Security=ClaimsToken)
  • Beauty of the solution is avoiding authentification required for premium XLMA and Power BI REST api (you/IT need to register an Azure AD application and I'm still looking for a clear documentation)
  • I'm investigating the issue with latest MSOLAP client library. Meanwhile, previous version is available here: x64  and  x86 (thank you Rahul Tenany for the links)
  • It was tested on different machines and configurations: more testing and feedback is welcome